• Description

    2009, 120 p., 38 illustrations, 27 in colour, softcover (English and German)
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Ken Adam’s brilliant set designs for the early Bond films are legendary. They have a cult-like following today and are shown in museums. The Aston Martin, the hyper-realistic simplicity of Fort Knox in Goldfinger, or the ‘War Room’ in Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove, all are film history milestones and part of our collective image memory. Katharina Fritsch’s enigmatic sculptures, are just as vivid and striking in their use of collective fear as a theme, whether it be the Rattenkönig (The Rat King) or Mann und Maus (Man and Mouse).

Fritsch and Adam’s images show astonishing formal parallels. Many other unexpected links between the artists become clear in a surprising talk that spans generations. Bice Curiger, the curator of the Kunsthaus Zurich and editor of the art magazine Parkett, hosted the discussion on film, art, work processes and mentalities along with Hans Ulrich Obrist, curator and co-director of the Serpentine Gallery, London.

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